This week we have been dividing decimals by 10.
We have used our knowledge of place to help us. When we divide by 10 each digit moves one place to the right. e.g. tens move to ones and ones to tenths.
45.6 divided by 10 = 4.56
Complete the following questions:
1. 40 divided by 10
2. 4 divided by 10
3. 5.6 divided by 10
4. 3.4 divided by 10
5. 45.9 divided by 10
6. 67.2 divided by 10
7. 0.5 divided by 10
8. 1.5 divided by 10
This week we have been dividing decimals by 10.
We have used our knowledge of place to help us. When we divide by 10 each digit moves one place to the right. e.g. tens move to ones and ones to tenths.
45.6 divided by 10 = 4.56
Complete the following questions:
1. 40 divided by 10
2. 4 divided by 10
3. 5.6 divided by 10
4. 3.4 divided by 10
5. 45.9 divided by 10
6. 67.2 divided by 10
7. 0.5 divided by 10
8. 1.5 divided by 10
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